
15,000 CFA


d1-600x750 360 degrees, d1-600x750; d1-600x750, d1-600x750, d1-600x750, d1-600x750, d1-600x750, d1-600x750.
d1-600x750: d1-600x750, d1-600x750; d1-600x750.

* d1-600x750, d1-600x750 360 degrees, d1-600x750.
* d1-600x750, d1-600x750.
* 3 d1-600x750.
* d1-600x750, restoring the true light color.
* restoring the true light color, restoring the true light color.
* restoring the true light color, restoring the true light color.
* restoring the true light color, d1-600x750.
* restoring the true light color, d1-600x750, restoring the true light color.

restoring the true light color:
restoring the true light color: restoring the true light color 1/4 from 322 restoring the true light color
restoring the true light color: restoring the true light color (restoring the true light color, d1-600x750)
restoring the true light color: 1080P
restoring the true light color: restoring the true light color
restoring the true light color: restoring the true light color 185 degrees; restoring the true light color 185 degrees
restoring the true light color: 3restoring the true light color
restoring the true light color: 30restoring the true light color
restoring the true light color. restoring the true light color: 0restoring the true light color (restoring the true light color)
restoring the true light color: Auto; BLC: Auto
White balance: restoring the true light color
restoring the true light color: restoring the true light color
restoring the true light color: 90restoring the true light color
Food: restoring the true light color, restoring the true light color
restoring the true light color: <>
restoring the true light color: restoring the true light color; restoring the true light color: env. 7restoring the true light color
restoring the true light color: env. 294restoring the true light color

Packaging Information:
Packaging Information: env. 5.71*5.51*4.92in / 14.5*14*12.5Packaging Information
Package weight: env. 410Packaging Information

Packaging Information:
Packaging Information
1 * Packaging Information
1 * Packaging Information